Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cash is 6 months old!

Wow! Time sure flies! I can't believe my little guy is already 6 months old! He's trying so hard to crawl right now. He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks for a bit and then decides to plop down and just scoot where he wants to go. I started him on baby food this week. He really likes it. He caught on really quickly and opens his mouth wide for more...he's been grabbing at our food for so long but now he finally gets to taste his own. He also got his first tooth. I was sitting at church today and he started to suck on my hand and I felt something sharp, I looked in his mouth and there was a little tooth poking out! I can't believe I didn't know it was didn't seem to bother him! This is random but does anyone need a fridge/freezer for their garage? Let me's free for the taking!
He loves this "flying" position

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sickness, sickness, sickness!

I know it's been forever since I last posted. Things have been crazy busy for us. A few weeks ago, I started feeling dizzy. I just figured it would go away and it wasn't too annoying so oh well. Also Joslyn started crying every time she went to the bathroom and complained that her bum hurt. It took me a couple days to realize that she didn't really mean her bum but she meant her "potty" was hurting. At that point I figured she had a urinary tract infection. It was a Saturday and so I figured I'd wait to take her in until Monday so she could see her regular Doctor. She has had one before so I figured they'd want to schedule more tests. Anyway, It happened to be mine and Jake's anniversary and we were leaving the kids with the Grandparents so we could go out. My mom called during the date and told us Joslyn wasn't doing well...that she was feeling feverish and was crying a ton and really miserable. We went and picked her up and took her to the after hours pediatrician. After 2 1/2 hours, she was finally seen. They said her urine sample showed signs of infection so they put her on an antibiotic. The next night (sunday) I started to get so dizzy that I was afraid to pick up the baby because everything was spinning around me. My mom came out early the next morning to help me with the kids and drive me to the Dr. He said that the inner linning in my nose was swollen and my ears weren't infected but they were out of whack somehow. He told me to take Claritin and he prescribed some nasal spray. I felt better in a day or two.

That wasn't the end of the sicknesses unfortunately. Joslyn started to feel sick last Sunday night with a cold, cough and she started puking on Tuesday so I took her in. The Dr. said she had an ear infection and he put her on the BRAT diet to help the vomiting. I also had them test her urine again because she was still complaining when she went to the bathroom. By Wednesday, she was feeling extremely sick. Her temperature went up to 104.7! She had a blessing and we were giving her tons of medicine and cool baths to cool her down. She felt so much better on Thursday but Cash started coughing and got a runny nose! Figures!

Cash was lucky enough to never get a fever but his voice got so hoarse that he could barely cry! It was so sad to listen to him try to talk or cry. I ended up taking him in on Friday so we wouldn't have to deal with the after hours care on Saturday night. He had an ear infection and the Doctor heard signs of Croop when he'd cry. They ended up giving him a steroid shot to prevent him from having breathing troubles. He is finally starting to feel better now! That had to be the longest week in the world though! It's so hard when Joslyn is sick and wants me to hold her all the time and then Cash will need something. Joslyn would start crying every time I had to take care of Cash and leave her laying on the couch. Oh the joys!

Back to Joslyn's urine test...she did have another UTI so she now has to get an ultra sound and another test where they'll go inside and make sure everything is working right. They put her on a preventive antibiotic every night so she won't get another infection. The worst part is, her V opening (woman part) is closed shut and needs to open to do the tests. I am putting a hormone creme on her that should do the trick but if it doesn't, they will have to open it for her which sounds so awful to me! Keep her in your prayers so she won't have to go through that!